Author: Diksha Srishyla

Movember should spotlight BIPOC men’s mental health

The Movember movement’s popularity has risen over the past decade since its founding in 2003. Movember is an annual event where participants grow moustaches during November to raise awareness for men’s health concerns, primarily cancer. Recently, however, they expanded their mission to support men’s—often overlooked—mental health struggles. In Canada, men[Read More…]

From feminism to feminisms

I’ve lost count of the number of times I’ve brainstormed the perfect slogan to scribble on my cardboard sign right before a protest. Almost always, I end up settling on something I deem to be just so-so. The same thing happened in January 2017, a day after Donald Trump’s inauguration,[Read More…]

Tuesday Night Café Theatre production ‘The Elephant’ is a powerful musical about surviving abuse

Content Warning: discussion of sexual assault Tuesday Night Café Theatre (TNC)’s newest production The Elephant is a powerful story of survival and perseverance. Written and directed by Troy Lebane, U3 Music Education, this musical portrays characters in the aftermath of an abuser’s arrest in his former workplace and offers a[Read More…]

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