Author: Juliet Morrison

Opposition to the New Vic Project prompts debate at SSMU Legislative Council meeting

The Students’ Society of McGill University (SSMU) held its third Legislative Council meeting of the Fall on Oct. 14. The meeting’s agenda included a discussion about SSMU’s opposition to McGill’s New Vic Project, a presentation from the Office of Sustainability, and councillor nominations to the SSMU Board of Directors. In[Read More…]

McGill cancels all Winter 2022 exchanges and independent study abroad programs, students start petition

In an email sent to students on Oct. 5, Deputy Provost Fabrice Labeau announced that all outgoing exchange and independent study abroad programs would be cancelled for the Winter 2022 semester.   Labeau attributed the decision to the ongoing uncertainty surrounding public health regulations, vaccination rates, and restrictions, all of which[Read More…]

Where do I begin?: Anthony Fantano and ‘The Needle Drop’

When Sacramento-based hip hop collective Death Grips released their debut studio album The Money Store in 2012, the culture of music consumption began to shift. The aggressive, experimental ethos of Death Grips’ LP was powerful enough to inspire change in tastes among fans and creators alike, but internet music enthusiast[Read More…]

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