Author: Adam Burton, Adam Menikefs, Zoe Babad-Palmer, Sarah Farnand

Stuff we liked this Reading Week

There was no chance we’d be studying over the break. So, with lockdown limiting our options for respite, the solutions to burnout were simple: Media, lots of media. From a never ending supply of TV shows, books, movies, and music, here are The McGill Tribune’s favourites from Reading Week 2021.[Read More…]

Human Rights Watch Film Festival shares compassion through screens

From Feb. 18-22, Human Rights Watch Canada showcased a selection of their films for Toronto’s 18th annual Human Rights Watch Film Festival, a cinematographic exhibition that celebrates diverse human perspectives from around the world. With COVID-19 disrupting the festival’s typical execution, Canadian cinematographer and festival co-chair Nicholas de Pencier discussed[Read More…]

Sex and Self event covers decolonization and destigmatizing Black sexuality

Content Warning: Sexual violence, racial violence, intergenerational trauma, slavery Sex & Self, a sexual education organization at McGill, hosted the virtual seminar “Decolonizing and Destigmatizing Black Sexuality” on Feb. 21. This seminar was the second installment of their Black History Month “Facing the Facts” series, and featured Jet Setting Jasmine,[Read More…]

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