The Students’ Society of McGill University (SSMU) released a statement on Feb. 12 condemning the impact of the province-wide 8:00 p.m. to 5:00 a.m. curfew on unhoused and migrant populations. As housing advocates have continued to push for more resources following Quebec Superior Court Justice Chantal Masse’s order to exempt[Read More…]
Author: Sequoia Kim
SSMU General Assembly loses quorum prior to ‘Divest for Human Rights’ motion vote
The Students’ Society of McGill University (SSMU) held its Winter 2021 General Assembly (GA) on Feb. 16, reaching its quorum of 350 for the first time since Fall 2017. Although the GA approved the nomination of the auditor for the 2021 fiscal year, the centrepiece motion, “Divest for Human Rights,”[Read More…]
Tribune Explains: McGill’s Mandatory Meal Plan
First year students who left residences during the Winter 2020 semester may be wondering what will happen to their rollover meal plan money. Students who paid for the Mandatory Meal Plan during their first year in residence, or those who voluntarily elected to purchase the meal plan, now have hundreds[Read More…]
Point-counterpoint: Are eSports really sports?
eSports: Competitive, coordinated, and strategic true sports When video games became popular in the 1970s, games like Pong and Atari swept the nation by storm. Players everywhere gathered at local arcades to compete on consoles the size of refrigerators that could do little more than render a cluster of bouncing[Read More…]
SUS Winter General Assembly amends electoral by-laws
The Science Undergraduate Society (SUS) of McGill convened on Feb. 17 for their Winter 2021 General Assembly (GA). Despite the attendance of all executives and departmental representatives, the meeting failed to meet the required quorum of 100 students from four different departments. Without quorum, the GA proceeded as a consultative[Read More…]
Sex and Self hosts a talk on institutionalized racism in healthcare
On Feb. 13, Sex and Self, a McGill-based sexual education organization, hosted a virtual panel titled “Institutionalized Racism in Healthcare” as a part of their “Facing the Facts” event series. The panel included Tanya Bass, a self-described “Southern Sexologist” with experience in the fields of reproductive health, HIV/AIDS and sexually[Read More…]
The T: “Divest For Human Rights” Feb. 17
This week on the show: • 7 student organizations come together to pen a motion demanding that McGill divest from companies complicit in human rights • Governance: SSMU Legislative council • Governance: McGill Board of Governors Episode links: • Student organizations collaborate on SSMU ‘Divest for Human Rights’ motion, by[Read More…]
Science Rewind: Notable Black scientists and inventors throughout history
Content warning: Anti-Black racism and discrimination Black people have long been barred from academia and entrepreneurship opportunities due to institutionalized racism and prejudice. In honour of Black History Month, The McGill Tribune highlights notable scientists and inventors who succeeded in making important scientific progress in spite of systemic anti-Black racism. Madam[Read More…]
Hooked on the craft
Crocheting is a balancing act. To make each stitch, one hand grips the hook and the other controls the tension of the yarn: Too taut, and the project will turn out cramped, stunted; too loose, and it will be flimsy, undefined. I was 10 when my Oma taught me[Read More…]
Puffy exoplanet challenges traditional notions of planet formation
Since the first exoplanet was discovered in 1992, scientists have identified more than 4,000 of these astronomical bodies. Exoplanets—planets found outside our solar system—have been shown to challenge traditional theories of planet formation, which were based on Earth’s own system. A recent study has revealed that gas giants can form[Read More…]