Author: Karan Kumar

UpLift Canada renews old clothes

The UpLift Canada Foundation is a newly established, student-led initiative spearheaded by Maggie Larocque, U3 Arts. Perplexed by the 10 million tons of clothing North Americans throw out every single year, UpLift’s founders devised an upcycling process that provides clothing to individuals in housing shelters. In addition, UpLift offers opportunities[Read More…]

PGSS Legislative Council votes to restructure Health and Wellness Committee

During the Post-Graduate Students’ Society’s (PGSS) virtual Council meeting on Jan. 13, councillors approved the proposed restructuring of the PGSS Health and Wellness Committee and discussed the inclusion of graduate students on departmental faculty hiring committees.  At the beginning of the meeting, former PGSS Secretary-General Maria Tippler spoke on her[Read More…]

Spending the holidays with chosen family

For many, this holiday season was spent away from loved ones. At a time when uniting with  family feels especially pertinent, the realities of the pandemic remain stark. Nonetheless, students adapted, finding comfort in friends, roommates, and themselves.  Ollie F., U3 Arts, spent the holidays with their roommate and boyfriend.[Read More…]

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