Author: Deana Korsunsky

Students’ Society of McGill University Executive Midterm Reviews 2020-2021

Jemark Earle, President  Jemark Earle campaigned for the position of SSMU president with two major goals in mind: Pinpointing and improving SSMU’s logistical weaknesses and carving out space for under-represented voices in high-level, decision-making arenas at McGill. Over Summer 2020 and throughout the Fall 2020 semester, Earle has proven to be[Read More…]

Wisdom Exchange Project combats loneliness through intergenerational friendships

Loneliness has touched everyone at one point in their lives. Now, loneliness has paradoxically become a shared experience, with both its mental and physical impacts warranting increased  attention. The intergenerational Wisdom Exchange Project, initiated by a team of graduate students from McGill University, Ryerson University, and the University of Waterloo,[Read More…]

Comforting meals for cold days

I love preparing my own food: There is a certain feeling of freedom that comes from knowing that an entire dish can be customized to my liking. Over the summer, I found solace from the hectic developments of the pandemic and politics by experimenting with elaborate meals such as miso[Read More…]

Refugee Research Group webinar discusses contemporary refugee issues

The McGill Refugee Research Group held its latest event in the Contemporary Refugee Issues Fall 2020 Series, “Global Updates: Refugee Protection and Empowerment webinar,” on Nov. 26. The webinar explored both the individual and organizational responses to refugee crises around the world, which the COVID-19 pandemic has worsened. Three McGill[Read More…]

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