Over 15 unrelenting seasons, Supernatural has developed a remarkably devoted and persistent fandom. The show follows brothers Sam (Jared Padalecki) and Dean (Jensen Ackles) Winchester, along with the angel Castiel (Misha Collins), as they protect middle-class Americans from mythical monsters while defying death at every turn. Castiel joined the Winchesters in[Read More…]
Author: Zoe Karkossa
Alleviating the transfer student blues
There is one thing that all McGill students can agree on: McGill is an extremely challenging school. While the degree of difficulty varies between courses and programs, it is safe to say that it is nearly impossible to find a truly easy class that requires minimal work. This academic rigour,[Read More…]
Fall 2020 TAs still missing payments as the semester nears end
Following various technical issues with Workday, McGill’s new human resources (HR) system, the Association of Graduate Students Employed at McGill (AGSEM) has filed several individual, union, and collective grievances against the university in accordance with their Collective Agreement (CA). Some problems included lack of access to technology necessary to teach[Read More…]
McGill Athletics & Recreation stays strong despite COVID-19
The COVID-19 pandemic has affected all levels of sports at McGill, including varsity, intramurals, and recreational programs, resulting in a significant negative impact on the McGill Athletics & Recreation’s revenue stream. Quebec’s lockdown restrictions have impacted operations at both the Currie Gym and the Macdonald campus. With fewer people using[Read More…]
Finding solace in sports
Skiing Sarah Farnand, Sports Editor Since I was a kid, skiing has been a great source of comfort. I began waterskiing when I was five years old, and started downhill skiing shortly after. After a few laps around the lake and a few trips down the bunny hill in the[Read More…]
Book report: The Tribune Sports Section’s holiday reading list
Managing Editor Kaja Suborg gives her holiday book list for the upcoming winter break.
The limits of innocent until proven guilty
One in 10 female-identifying students at Canadian post-secondary institutions experienced sexual assault in 2019. According to a survey from 2014, only about five per cent of sexual assaults are reported to police. As sexual assault garnered more attention through the #MeToo movement, many used the phrase “innocent until proven guilty”[Read More…]
2020 Election Roundtable with Democrats Abroad at McGill
Multimedia Editor Alex Hinton sat down with 3 members of Democrats Abroad at McGill to talk about their involvement and reaction to the 2020 US Presidential Election.
Pushing away from prejudice
For a culture that is built on subverting the conventional, the skateboarding community must strive to create more diverse spaces. What is largely depicted in popular magazines and videos disregard the reality of the skate scene. While there are companies and magazines working to increase visibility, more recognition must be[Read More…]
Plastic planet: Challenges in creating a greener world
With every passing day, the Earth takes another step towards becoming a plastic planet. Plastic has infiltrated every habitat across the globe, from the high seas to the soil beneath cities. In an effort to address the gargantuan problem of plastic pollution, Prime Minister Justin Trudeau and the Liberal Party[Read More…]