Imagine strolling through the bustling streets of downtown Montreal, where the air is thick with the rumble of traffic and the screeching of construction. It’s not exactly the most relaxing experience, is it? Could urban planners transform these soundscapes into something more pleasant? Valérian Fraisse, a PhD student in Music[Read More…]
Author: Jenna Durante
SSMU VP Student Life Chloé Muñoz resigns
The Students’ Society of McGill University (SSMU) Vice-President (VP) Student Life, Chloé Muñoz, announced her resignation from the role at the Oct. 24 Legislative Council meeting. Her resignation is effective Oct. 29. SSMU will run a by-election to fill the position and the remaining executives will share the responsibilities of[Read More…]
(Non-scary!) Halloween media
Howl’s Moving Castle In this Studio Ghibli film, young hatmaker Sophie encounters a mysterious wizard named Howl. The Witch of the Waste curses her by turning her into an old woman. Sophie then meets a mysterious anthropomorphic scarecrow who leads her to Howl’s castle. There, she takes up residence as[Read More…]
Campus Complicity: Unpacking calls for divestment at McGill
Mindfulness: A potential solution for depression and anxiety in seniors
In Canada, up to 20 per cent of older adults experience symptoms of depression, and these rates increase to up to 40 per cent for those in hospitals and long-term care homes. Depression and anxiety disproportionately affect older adults and are associated with adverse health outcomes, reduced quality of life,[Read More…]
‘May Our Joy Endure’ explores the cycle of guilt, accountability, and redemption
May Our Joy Endure is the third and most daring novel written by Québecois author Kevin Lambert. Lambert moved to Montreal to study at the Université de Montréal in his late teens, allowing him to offer unique and personal insight into the city’s urban development. This is where he sets[Read More…]
Deanna Bowen discusses anti-Black racism in the world of art history
On Oct. 24, approximately two dozen academics gathered in Room W-215 of the Arts Building to hear Deanna Bowen, assistant professor in Concordia’s Department of Studio Arts, speak about her research-creation practice and art exhibits, her family’s history with racism in Canada, and anti-Black sentiment in the art history world.[Read More…]
Think your partner is anxious-avoidant? Think again.
With pop psychology invading every social media platform, the line between self-help and self-sabotage has never been so thin. Pop psychology refers to psychological theories, strategies, or concepts popularized through the media—particularly social media. From attachment style assessments that can make or break your dating life to the allure of[Read More…]
Peaking into the brains of bilingual students
As Quebec tightens regulations around student eligibility for education in English or other languages, the proportion of anglophone and allophone students—those whose home language is neither English nor French—attending French schools in the province has shot up. According to recent data from the Office québécois de la langue française (OQLF),[Read More…]
The Tribune Explains: Final grade submission at McGill
Many students at McGill have faced the prolonged dread of waiting for their final grades to be updated in Minerva. Some have expressed frustration and confusion on the McGill subreddit r/mcgill over grades appearing on their transcripts well past the end of the semester. The Tribune brings you a guide[Read More…]