Author: Lis Bergfors, Auxane Bussac

Indigenous Ojibwe Anishinaabe art on campus fosters continuing conversations of reparations

McGill’s Indigenous Awareness Weeks kicked off with multiple Indigenous scholars and speakers offering students a chance to learn about the various intricacies of Indigenous culture, stories, and testimonies. On Sept. 24, a crowd gathered at the Redpath Library to listen to guest speakers Carmen Robertson and Robert Spade discuss Centering[Read More…]

McGill student contingent joins Montreal-wide protest demanding justice for Palestine

A crowd of approximately 150 McGill community members chanted, “McGill, McGill, you can’t hide! We charge you with genocide!” outside the university’s Roddick Gates on Oct. 5. The demonstrators formed the McGill student contingent attending the International Day of Action march and rally organized by the Palestinian Youth Movement (PYM)’s[Read More…]

The science behind the beat

Imagine a world where every sound makes you want to move. Why is it that some sounds, like the rhythm of a song, spark an irresistible urge to dance while others, like everyday conversation, leave us still and focused? Benjamin Morillon, who completed his postdoc at Montreal Neurological Institute-Hospital (The[Read More…]

As climate crises reach an unprecedented scale, Canada needs to rethink eco-justice

The climate crisis in Canada is worsening every year. In 2023, wildfires burned six times their historical average, polluting Montreal’s air quality to the lowest level in the world for two days. In 2024, 32,000 hectares of Jasper National Park burned down, rapidly eliminating critical local biodiversity and natural ecosystems.[Read More…]

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