Author: Jordana Curnoe, Siena Torres, Dana Prather, Charlotte Hayes, Kellie Elrick, Amelia McCluskey

What we liked this summer break

We Are Who We Are (TV miniseries) By Jordana Curnoe, Contributor The HBO miniseries We Are Who We Are, directed by Luca Guadagnino, follows a headstrong army brat from New York City named Fraser (Jack Dylan Grazer) who moves to a fictional American military base in Chioggia, Italy. There, he[Read More…]

McGill restricted access to campus after dismantling the Palestine Solidarity Encampment, some say it was unwarranted

McGill closed its downtown campus to public use as the Service de police de la Ville de Montréal (SPVM) officers and private security firm, SIRCO, dismantled the 75-day Palestine solidarity encampment in the early hours of July 10. Beginning the same day, all buildings were closed to students, courses were[Read More…]

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