Author: Maya Reid

Stonewall cast rioting

Pop Rhetoric: Revisionist Stonewall nothing more than a whitewashing of queer history

The trailer for Roland Emmerich’s film, Stonewall, was released earlier this summer to a flurry of criticism over the blonde-haired, blue-eyed cis-gender boy it revolves around. Although the film attempts to authentically portray a dramatized version of one of the most significant events in LGBT history, it largely omits queer[Read More…]

Reimagining Frosh

During the first week of September, Montreal’s air was saturated with the enthusiasm, anticipation, and cheer that accompanied McGill’s Orientation Week for incoming first-years. In previous years, McGill’s Frosh has been criticized for its alcohol-centric activities and lack of respect for its surroundings. Building on efforts from past Frosh teams,[Read More…]

Can you change your mind?

Creating Frankenstein’s monster—taking bits and pieces from different people to make a whole—is an idea conceived by fiction, not real-life; however, Dr. Sergio Canavero, Italian neurosurgeon, plans to undertake what he describes as the first human head transplantation with spinal linkage.     This venture, named The Head Anastomosis Venture[Read More…]

Getting into the app game

Entering the app world is equal parts intimidating and exciting. McGill alumnus Nathaniel Blumer (BSc. Computer Science 2013) has developed several apps since graduating from McGill. He’s worked for private contractors in Canada and the U.S., and has even received offers for his apps from multinational companies. His most recent[Read More…]

Cracking the Canadian cell phone code

The quest for the best cell phone deal is not unlike finding the Holy Grail. Everyone knows a friend of a friend that somehow secured a $40 six-gigabyte plan, but nobody really knows how they got it. Cell phone salespeople offer cryptic promises and deals, but are they just padding[Read More…]

Editorial: On sexual assault, unacceptable gaps remain in McGill’s redress procedures

As McGill works on drafting a new sexual assault policy, one survivor’s experience demonstrated that our administration and faculty associations are failing in their responsibility to provide adequate redress to students who have been sexually assaulted. After an incident at an undergraduate departmental event where the survivor was allegedly sexually[Read More…]

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