Author: Chloe Nevitt

Maintaining a healthy lifestyle at McGill

Everybody has probably heard of the infamous ‘freshman 15’—it is a dangerous and inevitable consequence of unhealthy college behaviour; however, there are ways to avoid an unhealthy weight gain. Determination, willpower and a healthy mindset can make staying healthy at McGill a habit, not a task, and McGill campus services[Read More…]

Open Air Pub McGill

Commentary: Ode to OAP

Most McGill students would agree that Open Air Pub (OAP) is a great place to commence the semester. It has cold drinks, hot food, live music, and provides the perfect venue to catch up with your friends at the beginning of the school year. But these attractions alone don’t make[Read More…]

NFL 2015 season preview

NFC North Green Bay Packers—It’s another Super Bowl-or-bust season for the Packers this year as they look to redeem themselves after a heartbreaking NFC Championship Game loss. With reigning MVP Aaron Rodgers at the helm, the Packers should have no problem moving the ball offensively, even with the loss of[Read More…]

Student Services budget reallocations and reductions

I n Winter 2015, the McGill administration announced changes in Student Serves funding, stating that it would cease to supply Student Services with a yearly transfer from McGill’s operating budget. McGill also announced that in the event of further budget cuts by the federal government, the McGill administration would redistribute to[Read More…]

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