On April 2, deep within the Montreal Neurological Institute (MNI), Villa Maria 10th grader Melina Thibault was declared Montreal’s annual Brain Bee champion. The competition, hosted by Brain Awareness Montreal (BAM), is designed to test high school students specifically on information about the brain. The day began with a written[Read More…]
Author: Lydia Kaprelian
Fact or Fiction: Is it safe to pee in the pool?
With whispers of summers reaching into our Vitamin D deprived souls, many will soon head to the pool to cool off after soaking up the rays. But taking off a wet bathing suit to go to the bathroom is an undeniable pain. Many swimmers, especially those who spend long hours[Read More…]
Silent but deadly
Summer is the time to relax, hit the beach, and for some, to get a tan. But swimsuit season brings with it a major public health risk in the form of ultraviolet (UV) radiation. Problems that range from wrinkles to skin cancer arise during the summer because this is when[Read More…]
Pop Rhetoric: The element of surprise
In the face of rampant piracy, record labels have struggled to convince consumers to spend money on music. More specifically, the album format—once the industry’s largest source of revenue—has become too expensive for the average listener. Consumers’ listening habits are increasingly shifting towards faster, more digestible formats like iTunes’ $0.99[Read More…]
Three ideal places to enjoy delicious food in the warm weather
In a city with long winters and relatively short summers, it’s important to have summer to-do lists ready to go. This year, some of Montreal’s best restaurants will open up its patios and bring out the garden chairs, providing the opportunity to soak up the sun on beautiful summer terrasses.[Read More…]
Commentary: Free speech and the hypersensitivity of safe spaces on campus
The term “safe space,” which originated from various social movements in the ‘60s and ‘70s, has since attracted the attention of educational institutions and students who are seeking to balance the need for inclusive and inoffensive communities with their duty to promote academic freedom and freedom of speech. Preoccupied with[Read More…]
Commentary: Canada needs to renew responsibility towards refugees
Just last month, the Canadian government fulfilled its commitment that it made in 2013 to bring 1,300 Syrian refugees into the country by the end of 2014. The government has announced a decision to receive 10,000 additional refugees in the next three years. However, as the civil war in Syria[Read More…]
Commentary: Alternative resources do not fill gaps in faculty advising
At the March 18 Senate meeting, Arts Senator Jacob Greenspon raised a question concerning the ratios of faculty advisors to students across faculties. Statistics exposed disparities between faculties—the greatest difference being the Faculty of Arts, with 843 students per advisor, and the Faculty of Law, with 88 students per advisor.[Read More…]
Ludacris — Ludaversal
After going incognito from the music industry for a while, veteran rapper Ludacris has finally reemerged with a bang, with his long awaited album Ludaversal hitting the shelves on March 31. Over the past five years, Luda remained largely committed to Hollywood, appearing in The Fast and Furious franchise; yet, his return[Read More…]
Student unions throughout Quebec strike to protest austerity measures
On March 23, 60,000 post-secondary students went on strike against the Quebec’s government budgetary policies. 20,000 students voted to hold a one-day strike, while the remaining 40,000 will be on strike until April 2, when another demonstration is expected. Although the students were associated under the Association pour une Solidarité[Read More…]