Author: Clare Lyle

Deep Cuts: Creepy Love Songs

Run For Your Life Artist: The Beatles Album: Rubber Soul Year:  December 3, 1965 When a song begins with “I’d rather see you dead little girl/ Than to see you with another man,” it’s off to a rocky start. Backed by surprisingly upbeat accompaniment, John Lennon spouts harrowing paranoia in[Read More…]

Campus Spotlight: NetRoots International

NetRoots International is a non-profit organization that was created in 2011 by seven McGill undergraduate students as a Montreal chapter. The club has grown over the past four years to 50 members and expanded internationally. According to Alex Shadeed, NetRoots president and U3 Political Science and International Development student, NetRoots[Read More…]

What’s happening in Montreal

  THEATRE — Hosanna Talented and controversial Montreal writer Michael Tremblay’s famous story of gender identity, sexuality, and struggle comes back to the stage in Montreal.   Tuesday, March 17 to Sunday, March 29 at 8 p.m. at Mainline Theatre (3997 Blvd Saint-Laurent). Student tickets are $15. MUSIC — Rep[Read More…]

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