Author: Hayley Lim

PGSS General Meeting sees discussion of Society deficit, proposed women’s gym hours

On Wednesday, March 11, the Post-Graduate Students’ Society (PGSS) General Meeting (GM) discussed the payment of incurred membership fees from the Canadian Federation of Students (CFS), a national union for post-secondary student societies. Additionally, the GM hosted an informal discussion regarding women’s-only hours at the McGill Fitness Centre.  CFS membership[Read More…]

The week that was for McGill Athletics: March 17

BY THE NUMBERS 2 The number of silver medals that the McGill Martlet basketball and hockey teams won at the CIS National Championships this past Sunday.           9.1 McGill point guard Dianna Ros’ dismal shooting percentage in the CIS National Women’s Basketball Championship game. The Martlets[Read More…]

Student movement establishes a healthy food system

Food sustainability initiatives at McGill were scarce until about six years ago. However, with the launch of the student-founded and student-led McGill Food Systems Project (MFSP) in 2008, a culture of food sustainability has experienced a grassroots emergence, with students critically considering and addressing food sustainability issues. Achieving food sustainability at[Read More…]

Les nuits illuminées

Glittering purple and blue, the snow was painted in the soft light of the churning ferris wheel, standing amidst a crowd of milling viewers in the heart of Place des Arts. In the background, a projection danced across the face of a building—one of many art installations at Montreal’s 12th[Read More…]

Greenbriar to be converted into an upper-year residence for 2015-2016

The Greenbriar apartment-style residence will be designated for upper-year students beginning Fall 2015. The residence is located close to McGill’s downtown campus on University and primarily housing first-year students in studio-style and one-bedroom style apartments. Director of Student Housing and Hospitality Services (SHHS) Janice Johnson explained that the change was[Read More…]

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