Author: Eric Noble-Marks

Protecting against piracy using DRMs

Digital Rights Management (DRM) technology has permeated our phones, our computers, even our coffee makers. In theory, DRM is meant to protect content creators from piracy; however, its critics are quick to disagree. According to the Electronic Frontier Foundation, DRM technologies “impede innovation, security, and basic user rights and expectations,[Read More…]

Parti Québécois leader Pauline Marois addresses her supporters in victory rally, minutes before fatal shooting. (Simon Poitrimolt / McGill Tribune)

Commentary: Language requirements necessary for Quebec’s culture and economy

Quebec’s incessant language war found new fuel as McGill and Concordia recently released statements criticizing the province’s strict French language requirement for granting permanent residency, which was introduced in 2013 by the Parti Québécois (PQ). The universities claim that strict rules requiring proficiency in French are making it difficult to[Read More…]

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