Author: Philippe Dumais

Cities We Need conference highlights importance of municipal autonomy

The McGill Institute for the Study of Canada (MISC) opened its 20th annual two-day conference on Feb. 19, focusing on the challenges cities across Canada face.  Elected officials from cities across the country, scholars, and representatives of non-governmental organizations gathered to discuss topics including governance, culture, infrastructure, citizenship, and social[Read More…]

Off-campus student housing

Apartment-hunting season for many students is reaching its peak at this time of the year. Choosing the perfect place to live can be tough, whether one is switching from the convenience of a McGill residence or is simply choosing an alternate location to live for the upcoming school year. To[Read More…]

Commentary: Employment insurance ineffective in Canada

Over the past few decades, Canadians have taken steps—from the Canada Pension Plan to universal health care—to make Canada a more caring and equitable society. However, despite politicians’ best intentions, these societal efforts can sometimes produce unintended negative consequences. Nowhere is this more evident than with the current design of[Read More…]

Senate discusses implementing recommendations of Mental Health Working Group

McGill’s mission statement and principles Senators raised concerns about the wording of McGill’s mission statement—specifically the linkage between  academic freedom and responsibility.  “In fulfilling its mission, McGill University embraces the principles of academic freedom and responsibility, integrity, accountability, equity, inclusiveness, and respect for cultural and individual diversity,” the proposed statement of[Read More…]

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