Author: Max Berger

SSMU Council opposes deregulation, approves ECOLE referendum question

Motion regarding opposition to deregulation of international tuition Last Thursday, the Students’ Society of McGill University (SSMU) Legislative Council passed a motion to oppose the McGill administration’s decision to lobby the Quebec government to deregulate international students’ tuition in all programs.  The implementation of this deregulation proposal would increase tuition[Read More…]

Public school teachers protest austerity measures, proposed changes to contract agreements

On Feb. 9, the Montreal trade union of kindergarten to high school teachers, the Alliance des Professeures et Professeurs de Montreal (APPM), staged a protest outside Roddick Gates. The APPM represents teachers’ interests before the Commission Scolaire de Montreal (CSM), the Montreal public school board. According to APPM members, the[Read More…]

Fears of extremism limiting freedoms in Canada

Since Stephen Harper proposed Bill C-51 against terrorism, several events have taken place that call into question the establishment of laws and rulings to combat extremism that some fear may be growing in Canada. Officially, Bill C-51 gives Canadian Security Intelligence Service (CSIS) agents greater power to address “security threats” both[Read More…]

Towards a new system of social security

The Canadian government has a wide array of programs in place to alleviate poverty. At the federal level alone, the government spends 10 per cent of GDP on a multitude of cash transfer programs. Despite this, around nine per cent of Canadians still live in poverty. The solution could be[Read More…]

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