Author: Shrinkhala Dawadi

Fortier sits down with campus media, discusses bilateral agreement

On Wednesday, Nov. 12, Principal Suzanne Fortier sat down with members of the McGill media to talk about issues concerning the McGill community, including the ongoing talks on Quebec’s bilateral agreement with France regarding tuition and the financial troubles McGill is facing resulting from provincial austerity measures. Bilateral agreement between France[Read More…]

What’s Happening at McGill

November – December 2014 Senate meetings Senate meetings feature discussion and decision-making regarding university academic policies. Members of the university are welcome to sit in and observe the Senate, which is comprised of students, professors, administration, and non-academic staff, and discuss an array of pertinent topics, including policy changes and[Read More…]

Harm Reduction 101 workshop discusses models and strategies for building stronger communities

The Indigenous Women and Two-Spirit Harm Reduction Coalition (IW2SHRC) hosted a two-hour workshop on Sunday, Nov. 16 as part of the Mental Health Awareness Week. Titled “Harm Reduction 101”, the interactive workshop discussed essential harm reduction practices, especially regarding drug use and HIV/AIDS among the indigenous community. Lindsay Nixon, U3[Read More…]

BUGS hosts Research Awareness Day

On Saturday, Nov. 15, the gap between student and professor narrowed. A variety of biochemical experts gathered on the sixth floor of McIntyre Medical Building to explain their research. Areas of interest were widespread, and included topics such as tumour genetics, eye development, and macromolecular machinery. The students were first[Read More…]

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