Author: Jenny Shen

McGill MOOC course Food for Thought

Learning beyond the classroom

Six million. That was the conservative estimate given by an Oct. 2013 article in the Wall Street Journal addressing the combined enrolment numbers of edX and Coursera—two of the most popular Massive Open Online Course (MOOC) platforms—since the two websites were launched in 2012. Today that number has almost doubled,[Read More…]

Pop Rhetoric: It’s a bird, it’s a plane, it’s a film franchise!

After months of speculation, DC Comics has released its five-year superhero film line-up, answering hundreds of assumptions, expectations, and unrealistic hopes in one succinct press conference. The films include the sequel to 2013’s Man of Steel, which will focus on Batman and Superman’s first meeting while simultaneously featuring multiple Justice[Read More…]

Beating the midterm blues

Falling leaves and changing colours illustrate the transition into autumn. They also mark the beginning of midterm season.  Stress levels in McGill students tend to skyrocket during this time.  In order to combat this, McGill Mental Health Services (MMHS) has implemented a number of initiatives to aid students in coping[Read More…]

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