Professor Anthony Ricciardi’s team thought they were going to be studying the Asian Clam—an invasive species—when they dropped their sediment-collecting grabs below the surface of the St. Lawrence River last year. Instead, they found the microbead—a type of microplastic defined as any debris less than five millimetres in size. Rowshyra[Read More…]
Author: Chloe Nevitt
Reality bites: Spike Lee’s latest finds the writer-director in new territory
Spike Lee’s work has always been deeply concerned with issues of race and class. It’s most apparent in the acclaimed director’s iconic films like Do the Right Thing (1989) or Malcolm X (1992), which showcase the topics as their central themes, but he even manages to sneak them into ostensibly[Read More…]
Investigating journalism
It’s no secret that the landscape of the journalism industry is profoundly different than it was at the start of the 21st century. The prevalence of the internet has fundamentally altered the way in which people consume print journalism; consequently, it has eroded both circulation and advertising, the primary revenue[Read More…]
Album Review: Aphex Twin – Syro
In early September, Richard James, aka Aphex Twin, teased his eager fan base with the release of his new album’s first track, “minipops 67 [120.2].” The song’s resonant kick-drum harmony reminded me of Moderat’s crowd-pleasing 2009 single, “Rusty Nails,” which lead me to believe that Syro was going to be[Read More…]
Pop Rhetoric: Mysterious craze—Why the U2 hate has gone too far
Is there a more hated band in the world right now than U2?
20,000 Days on Earth: An artist finds fulfillment by losing himself
Like most projects Nick Cave pours his soul into, 20,000 Days On Earth is a gripping experience.
PGSS hosts conference on the future of health research in Canada
Dr. Alain Beaudet, president of the Canadian Institutes of Health Research (CIHR), discussed the future of Canadian health research in an event hosted by the Post-Graduate Students’ Society (PGSS) on Sept. 26. The event was intended for graduate students seeking opportunities in academic and private medical research. Beaudet began by[Read More…]
New Engineering Café to open in October
The dining area of the McConnell Engineering building will reopen as a newly renovated food retail location on campus on Oct. 14. While a new coffee location, Dispatch, has already been unveiled right outside the cafeteria, the food court itself has not yet opened. Oliver de Volpi, executive chef of[Read More…]
Dusk of the pinstripes
I never got to see Mr. October or the Great Bambino, but one day when my children ask me if I ever got to see Mr. November step into the box, I’ll tell them about that night.
Fall 2014 SSMU referendum period revisits building fee levy
Voting has begun for the Students’ Society of McGill University (SSMU) Special Fall Referendum. The questions under consideration pertain to the implementation of a University Centre Building Fee. The ballot comes as a move by the SSMU to gather the necessary funds to afford to continue its current level of[Read More…]