Author: Remi Lu

A student’s guide to maximizing productivity

  With summer winding down, laptop screens across campus are featuring less Netflix and more myMcGill—an unfortunate situation if there ever was one. However, numerous online programs have emerged over the years to improve productivity. Listed below are a couple free computer programs that help maximize workflow on your laptop.

Jason Feathers—De Ora

Justin Vernon is a man of many personas. A glance at his Wikipedia page reveals that the singer-songwriter has been involved in 12 different musical ventures. The Jason Feathers project De Ora, a collaboration with Minneapolis based hip-hop artist Astronautilus, is his latest. The album is assertive harmonically, but it[Read More…]

Electrodash lights up the night

Montreal hosted its first  Electrodash this past Friday, Aug. 29 at Parc Jean Drapeau. With just over 5,000 participants, Electrodash—a 5 K electronic-themed run—partnered with the Leukemia & Lymphoma Society (LLS) to raise money for cancer research.

Deep Cuts – September 3, 2014

“Triumph” Artist: Wu-Tang Clan Album:Wu-Tang Forever Released: 1997 Wu-Tang Clan is foundational old-school rap, and the huge success of their debut album Enter the Wu-Tang (36 Chambers) confirmed their immortality in the hip-hop world. “Triumph” comes from their second—and also hugely successful—1997 album Wu-Tang Forever. Centred around themes of immortality[Read More…]

Militarized police tactics foster community alienation

Following the police killing of unarmed African-American teenager Michael Brown, unrest and anger spilled onto the streets of Ferguson, Missouri. The ongoing event has been marked  by mostly peaceful protests, with incidences of violence. Aside from the circumstances surrounding Brown’s death, one of the big stories has been the militarized[Read More…]

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