Author: Jenny from the Block - Mother of Dragons

Researchers at McBill use embryonic stem cells to successfully clone HMB

On Mar. 27, McBill’s Mad Scientists Lab (MSL) scrapped their plans to cure cancer butinstead developed induced pluripotent stem cells that were ultimately used to create a fully-developed clone of former McBill principal Heather Munroe-Blossom (HMB). Aya Misou, the coordinator behind the project, explained that after many anonymous requests from[Read More…]

Sultan of the Turkish Republic?

On March 30th, Turkey will go to the polls in nationwide municipal elections. After a summer of anti-government protests, an economic downturn, and a corruption scandal implicating prominent members of the ruling party’s inner circle, Prime Minister Recep Tayyip Erdogan has become a polarizing figure in Turkish society. Although he[Read More…]

The provincial party guide

Quebec’s General Election is set to take place on April 7, as the province gears up to elect members to the National Assembly. This year’s election sees four major parties in contention: the incumbent Parti Québécois (PQ) led by Premier Pauline Marois, the Quebec Liberal Party under Phillipe Couillard, Coalition Avenir[Read More…]

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