With the latest poll from Ipsos Reid showing a decline in support for the Parti Québécois, it is clear that voters are turning away from politicians who seek to divide the people of the province and rely on the fear and fervour created by wedge issues. The question of the[Read More…]
Author: Liberal McGill
Fiesta feast
Spicy Chicken and Guacamole Wrap A warm wrap filled with spiced chicken, pico de gallo (fresh tomato salsa), guacamole, cheese, and lettuce. Makes a lovely and filling lunch or dinner. Ingredients: ½ cup corn 2 avocadoes, mashed 1 shallot, finely chopped 1/2 jalapeño pepper (seeds and ribs removed) 1/4 cup fresh cilantro,[Read More…]
Student of the Week: Maria Zamfir
This is the first year Maria Zamfir has not been involved in student politics in her five years at McGill. In all four years of her undergraduate neuroscience degree, Zamfir was involved in all manners of student politics, including the McGill Freshman Undergraduate Science Society (FUSS), the Science Undergraduate Society[Read More…]
Voter suppression must be stymied at all costs
One would expect voter suppression and the arbitrary application of electoral rules to be the exclusive hallmark of states like North Korea, Syria, or perhaps Russian-controlled Crimea. The reality is we might have more in common with those regimes than we would like to believe. Official voting policy for Quebec[Read More…]
Hillary Clinton makes economic argument for gender equality
Former U.S. secretary of state, senator, and first lady Hillary Rodham Clinton spoke on issues ranging from female empowerment to the Ukraine crisis last Tuesday in front of a sold-out audience at Palais des Congrès. Clinton began her talk by addressing the importance of advocating for gender equality in Canada[Read More…]
Various artists—Catch the throne
In the weeks leading up to the anticipated Season Four premiere of Game of Thrones, some HBO executives apparently thought it was a good idea to spend a chunk of their marketing budget on commissioning a mixtape project called Catch the Throne. The somewhat bizarre rationale for the project was[Read More…]
Education conference spotlights student research on caring in the classroom
The relationship between theory and practice in education was at the forefront of a conference held by the Education Graduate Students’ Society (EGSS) on March 21 and 22. The EGSS’ 13th annual conference, called “Theory and Practice: A Symbiotic Relationship,” gave students and professors the opportunity to host events on[Read More…]
SSMU finances jeopardized by University Centre Fee referendum failure
The failure of the University Centre Building Fee question in the Winter referendum could lead to drastic cuts to the services provided by the Students’ Society of McGill University (SSMU). The proposed fee would have cost $6.08 for full-time students and $3.04 for part-time students per semester and was intended[Read More…]
New PGSS executive to tackle case against Canadian Federation of Students
Uncontested candidate Juan Camilo Pinto was elected as secretary-general for the Post-Graduate Students’ Society (PGSS) last Friday with 61.3 per cent of the vote. The remaining six executives for the 2014-15 academic year will be Jennifer Murray, Julien Ouellet, Nikki Meadows, Ge Sa, and Brighita Lungu. Five of the six[Read More…]
Khan wins SSMU presidency by 78 votes
A mere 78 votes decided the winner of the presidency for the 2014-15 Students’ Society of McGill University (SSMU) executive in results released Friday at Gerts. Tariq Khan, U3 Engineering, was elected as SSMU president with 29.8 per cent of the vote, beating out runner-up Courtney Ayukawa. Other members of[Read More…]