Author: Alessandra Hechanova

The curious case of Busty and the Bass

The searching notes of a saxophone float over the bar’s quiet murmur,  cutting across open bottles and muted conversations. A drum line slips between the notes, riding the low strums of the bass playing alongside it. Trumpets, trombone, guitar, and the sweet shiver of keys all gradually fold themselves into[Read More…]

10 Things: Cricket

1 There are three forms of cricket: the 20/20, One Day International (ODI) and the Test match, the last of which can last up to five days. In 20/20 cricket, each side has a maximum of 20 overs to score as many runs as possible. An over is a six-ball[Read More…]

Wrong answers are blowing in The Wind Rises

How much responsibility does a filmmaker working from non-fictional material have to accurately represent his subject? It’s a complicated question, and one which muddles the The Wind Rises, an animated biopic that writer-director Hayao Miyazaki re-released with an English cast of voices that replace those in the original Japanese version.[Read More…]

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