Author: Lauren Konken

Ford sputters in media circus

Rob Ford, with all of his latest foibles, has now achieved worldwide infamy. In just a matter of weeks, the mayor of Toronto has revealed himself to be a crack user,  drunk driver, and ultimately unfit for office. What’s missing in this list of labels the media has conjured? That[Read More…]

Behind SSMU’s investment gridlock

The upcoming Nov. 13 special General Assembly (GA) will seek to address issues that could not be settled during the October GA due to its failure to meet quorum. One of these issues will be to ratify appointments to SSMU’s Board of Directors (BoD). Without a BoD, the Students’ Society[Read More…]

Suzanne Fortier installed as 17th McGill Principal

with bagpipes and traditional academic robes marked the installation of Suzanne Fortier as McGill’s 17th Principal and 13th Vice-Chancellor on Nov. 5. Fortier, who is the first female McGill graduate to hold the positions, officially started her term Sept. 5. The installation is a symbolic ceremony in which Canadian Governor[Read More…]

Rising voices

The first time I performed at a poetry slam, my hands began shaking the moment I stepped onto the stage and didn’t stop until the car ride home. I was out of breath as I recited the last lines of my poem, and continued to sound as though I had[Read More…]

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