Author: Diana Wright

LOEGz – #LeagueShit

Austin, Texas-based rap collective, the League of Extraordinary Gz (LOEGz) recently geared up to release their third album, #LeagueShit, which dropped Oct. 15. The album is named in honour of recently deceased League emcee Octavis “Esbe Da 6th Street Bully” Berry, to whom the catchphrase belonged. LOEGz consists of three[Read More…]

Could be good

MUSIC Matt Mays A veteran on the Canadian rock music scene, frontman of Matt Mays & El Torpedo is currently in the middle of a solo tour. Adam Baldwin opens the show. Wednesday Oct. 16, doors open at 9 p.m., Petit Campus (57 Prince-Arthur E). Tickets are $15.   DOCUMENTARY[Read More…]

EUS president announces resignation

Engineering Undergraduate Society (EUS) President Zachary Moreland announced his resignation on Oct. 7. EUS Vice-President Internal Eric Kueper is currently serving as interim president until a Special Selection Committee appoints the next president on Nov. 4. Moreland has held the position since May of 2013. In a letter to members[Read More…]

What happened last week in Canada?

Alice Munro wins Nobel Prize in Literature Author Alice Munro, age 82, was awarded the 2013 Nobel Prize in Literature last Thursday, making her the first Canadian-based author as well as the first Canadian woman to win a Nobel prize in any category. Munro is an Ontario-based author renowned for[Read More…]

The paradox of privilege

The phrase “check your privilege” has been bounced around a lot over the last year at McGill. Take the example of class. Suppose someone says something along the lines of “poor people need to work harder” and their peers will quickly remind them that they need to keep their “privilege[Read More…]

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