From peppermint mochas to gingerbread lattes, there are endless possibilities for creating delicious holiday coffee drinks. The Tribune has compiled several scrumptious coffee drinks that are sure to delight your taste buds, add a touch of festivity to your day, and, most importantly, brighten up your mood this exam season.[Read More…]
Author: K. Coco Zhang
Fuzzy Robots: Karon Maclean showcases emotionally-aware machinery
On Nov. 13, Karon MacLean, professor in the University of British Columbia’s Department of Computer Science, gave a talk covering her lab’s research on emotionally-interactive robots. MacLean’s work, which began with constructing robots at MIT in the 1980s, has always gone against the grain of traditional robotic engineering. “The hierarchy[Read More…]
McGill’s joint Senate and BoG meeting sees dialogue on the university’s third century
McGill’s annual joint Senate and Board of Governors (BoG) meeting took place in the Faculty Club on Nov. 14, addressing the theme of “Building on McGill’s Record of Excellence for the Third Century: Challenges and Opportunities Ahead.” Maryse Bertrand, Chair of the BoG, briefly introduced the topic before handing the[Read More…]
The Grammy Awards bring nothing but disappointment
The day the Grammy Awards nominations come out is like Christmas morning to me. There is quite possibly nothing I enjoy more than opening Pitchfork that morning and scrolling through, hoping to see my favourite albums and songs of the year nominated for their respective categories. Does it ever happen?[Read More…]
From eco-grief to empowerment: A blueprint for environmental activism and hopeful change
There is no doubt that there is increasing urgency to address environmental challenges around the world. On Nov. 15th, the McGill Environment Student Society (MESS) hosted a lecture on climate change, with a focus on how an uncertain climate future brings about increased anxiety. Featuring Jen Gobby, an affiliate assistant[Read More…]
Along Party Lines: A guide to Montreal’s municipal politics
Montreal’s municipal government announced the approved city budget for 2024 on Nov. 15. The budget sees a $235 million increase in spending and, on average, a 4.9 per cent increase in residential property taxes. The 2024 budget also sees increases in spending on public transit and housing, as well as[Read More…]
Ask Ainsley: How not to get lost
Dear Ainsley, I write to you in utmost embarrassment. It has come to my attention that I have absolutely no sense of direction. In the past, I have been so reliant on my Maps app and my friends that I didn’t realize I had no clue where I was going.[Read More…]
Recap: SSMU Board of Directors Nov. 16 meeting
The Students’ Society of McGill University’s (SSMU) Board of Directors (BoD) met on Nov. 16. Before the board dove into the meeting’s agenda, they welcomed a new director, Fawaz Halloum. Sierra Fallis, Deputy Speaker, led the board through the meeting’s agenda points. First was an executive committee report presented by[Read More…]
Busy hands, idle minds
“Wow, all I’ve done today is school!” If, like myself, this thought runs through your head as you walk home in the dark at 4:30 p.m., it may be time to find an after-school activity. Learning a new skill, particularly over the course of multiple weeks, has many benefits for[Read More…]
Fall 2023 SSMU Referendum Endorsements
The Tribune’s Editorial Board presents its endorsements for the Students’ Society of McGill University (SSMU) Fall 2023 referendum questions. The Tribune’s editors researched and discussed each of the questions before voting on each endorsement. The endorsements reflect a majority vote of the editorial board, with editors who have conflicts of[Read More…]