Author: Matt Bobkin

What does it mean to be a fan?

It’s a question that is asked hundreds of times per day: “Are you a real fan?” For everything that can be enjoyed, there are those who scrutinize their fellow fans, and attempt to create a distinction between ‘true fans’ and those who are merely capitalizing on the act’s popularity in[Read More…]

Around the Water Cooler

 In case you were too busy enjoying your reading week or travelling to North Korea with Dennis Rodman, here’s what you missed this past week in the world of sports … BASEBALL — The World Baseball Classic got underway this past week, as most of the world’s best are competing[Read More…]

An accessible opera brings mixed results

Rather than deter crime, religion may stimulate it. That is the controversial conclusion of a new criminological study published last month, which found that criminals—sometimes with rudimentary if not outright false understanding of religious tenets—often use faith as a justification for their crimes. This finding was in the forefront of[Read More…]

McGill Reporter

Exclusive interview with Suzanne Fortier

Although many students are currently out-of-town for reading week, Stuart H. (Kip) Cobbett, chair of McGill’s Board of Governors, announced on Tuesday Mar. 5 that Dr. Suzanne Fortier has been selected as McGill’s new principal. Fortier will be leaving her post as president of the Natural Sciences and Engineering Research[Read More…]

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