Jonathan Emile is only 27, yet he’s already overcome one of the toughest challenges anyone can ever face. The 27 year-old Jamaican-Canadian musician, Montreal native, and McGill student-on-hiatus fought a lengthy battle with cancer after being diagnosed at the age of 18. Today, he’s an artist on the rise with[Read More…]
Author: Max Berger
Walk The Moon: Tightrope
Following the release of their self-titled breakout album, pop outlet Walk The Moon (WTM) garnered quite the fan following, and toured around the U.S. festival circuit this past summer. After attracting festival-goers with their playful, sing-along inducing indie-pop, WTM briefly returned to the drawing board to throw together a follow-up[Read More…]
Josh Groban: All that Echoes
Josh Groban has a new album ready to go, and it’s going to hit listeners like the opposite of a freight train. That’s not because All that Echoes is weak, nor because Groban’s voice is weak. Quite the contrary—his is the most majestically gentle voice in music today. Straddling the[Read More…]
Biffy Clyro: Opposites
With the charts dominated by catchy pop stars, and the occasional indie group who has broken through to the mainstream, it is refreshing to listen to actual rock ‘n’ roll. Biffy Clyro, a Scottish band currently touring with Muse made it big in 2007 with the release of their album[Read More…]
Behind the scenes: theatre
A fatal thrust of the sword while your heart somersaults; the delightful ease with which a smile is teased from your lips. For many, such moments of passion and emotion epitomize the experience of live theatre. The sight of a performer, excelling in her craft before your very eyes, conveys[Read More…]
The Tribune’s Guide to the 2013 Nuit Blanche
Montreal’s winters may be frigid, but the bleak weather doesn’t stop it from being one of North America’s most vibrant cities. The buzz of winter is most evident on Nuit Blanche, a night where the city explodes with light and activity. As part of the Montreal en Lumière festival, artists,[Read More…]
Shared reality enriches human-computer interaction
Imagine arriving late to class, ears burning from the cold, and stepping over puddles and bags until you finally find a seat. As the professor lectures away, a student several rows down raises his hand. The professor, unaware, continues the lecture. After some time, the student eventually puts it down.[Read More…]
Behind the scenes at the Dent lab
The Dent Lab in the Stewart Biology building is humming with activity. Run by Dr. Joseph Dent, an associate professor and researcher at McGill University, the lab focuses on the molecular genetics of the behaviour in C. elegans, a nematode roundworm. Specifically, the lab’s research focuses on understanding the structure[Read More…]
Why can’t boys like cartoon ponies?
The season three finale of Hasbro’s animated series My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic aired earlier this month. The children’s show has attracted an unexpected adult male fan base called “bronies,” a phenomenon that has garnered attention and sparked much gender-based debate. A long history of gender-exclusive children’s programming has[Read More…]
A role for chance?
Everyone who gets into an elite university, including our own, probably feels at one time or another that they were deserving of meriting acceptance into the school, and that the admissions committee did not reach this decision lightly. A highly revealing article published by Ron Unz in The American Conservative[Read More…]