Author: Admin

What happened last week in Canada?

Teacher strike cancelled in Ontario On Jan. 9, Ontario Education Minister Lauren Broten imposed a two-year contract on teachers and support staff under Bill 115, a controversial anti-strike bill. Ontario teachers’ unions argue that the legislation is unconstitutional, and have declared their intention to contend it in court. Elementary school[Read More…]

Haiku Reviews: Holiday Films

Chris Life of Pi Shot with utmost care, Every frame is priceless art; Beauty incarnate. The Hobbit One book—three films. Why? Jackson’s winded, winding tale: All filler, no fun. Zero Dark Thirty Steely, steel-cold work; Not war song, but elegy. Apolitical. Django Unchained Slavery and race Subject to Q’s mockery—[Read More…]

Strength of heart

Recalling my encounter with Invisible Children’s KONY 2012 campaign, I reflected on this healthy reminder to be a critically thinking consumer. For those who are not familiar with the experiment, KONY 2012 was a thirty-minute online video released in an attempt to make “an obscure war criminal famous”—that criminal being[Read More…]

Hummingbird: Local Natives

Hot off their critically-acclaimed 2010 release Gorilla Manor, Local Natives return with Hummingbird, bringing with them a new sense of maturity and complexity. Although still possessing an authentic feel, Hummingbird presents a dramatic shift in sound, trading light, airy tones for heavy, intimate tracks that reflect the group’s coming-of-age. Nevertheless,[Read More…]

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