On Nov. 14, the McGill Senate met to discuss student disciplinary cases during the 2011-2012 academic year. Interim Dean of Students Linda Starkey presented the Committee on Student Discipline’s (CDS) annual report. The Senate also heard a presentation by Vice-Principal Research and International Relations Rose Goldstein on how McGill could[Read More…]
Author: Andra Cernavskis
Former director general of MUHC, Arthur Porter, sued by university
Last Tuesday, McGill announced its decision to pursue legal action against Dr. Arthur Porter, the former director general and chief executive officer of the McGill University Health Centre (MUHC). McGill seeks the reimbursement of $317,153.89—a total that includes a $285,000 loan granted to Porter in 2008, and $30,131.63 in salary[Read More…]
New student advocacy committee underway
Two weeks ago, the Students’ Society of McGill University’s (SSMU) Legislative Council approved a trial run of the Student Advocacy Resource Committee (SARC). The new committee aims to guide students through McGill’s bureaucracy and to help make students’ voices heard within the administration and SSMU, according to David Benrimoh, who[Read More…]
McGill launches Frugal Scholar Money Management Program
Last week, McGill’s Scholarships and Student Aid Office launched the Frugal Scholar Money Management Program—a service that helps students create a financial plan by using online tools to track expenses and deal with student and government loans. The launch was part of Financial Wellness Week, which featured workshops and student-run[Read More…]
Climate change forces Northern communities to adapt
James Ford, head of the Climate Change Adaptation Research Group, and McGill geography professor, gave a presentation last Friday on climate change’s impact on the Inuit communities of the Arctic, as well as the various adaptation strategies the communities have developed. The lecture was one in a series of speaker[Read More…]
Experts discuss Cash on Delivery Aid programs
On Nov. 15, three experts spoke to students at a panel that focused on new approaches to foreign aid, and the merits and drawback for each approach. Organized by the Student Network for Economic Development, Engineers Without Borders (EWB) McGill, and Youth Action International, the event was entitled “A New[Read More…]
What happened last week in Canada?
Montreal interim mayor selected Last Friday, city councillors voted in Montreal’s first Anglophone mayor in 100 years. As the new interim mayor, Michael Applebaum will hold the position until the next municipal election in November 2013. Applebaum replaced former mayor Gerald Tremblay, who resigned Nov. 5 following allegations of corruption[Read More…]
FEATURE: Under pressure: How students cope with stress
After four years at McGill, Amelia McKinley*, U3 psychology, believed she had reached a relatively seasoned level of mastery in the pursuit of her undergraduate degree, guaranteeing that her final semester would be completed with ease. Much to her surprise, however, she confronted a debilitating level of stress during midterm[Read More…]
Lincoln: moral progress has never looked so glorious
The vote to finally abolish slavery in the U.S. was so very close—shockingly close, in fact. Two more votes could have continued to condemn an entire class of living, breathing human beings to the status of property. If the arc of the moral universe bends toward justice, Abraham Lincoln is[Read More…]
Monkeys vs. Adam and Eve: Players’ Theatre holds court
Society generally accepts Darwin’s theory of evolution. Nevertheless, there remain pockets that deny its validity—the state of Tennessee, for instance, recently began teaching creationism in schools. With the origins of man still a controversial topic, McGill student Annabel Raby decided to direct Inherit the Wind: a play examining both sides[Read More…]