My only lasting memory of the Montreal Expos is when my parents bought me a Florida Marlins baseball cap at a game. I kept badgering them for that nifty, teal-colored cap with the fish. I didn’t care for baseball as a child, but their cool logo gave the Marlins a[Read More…]
Author: Hrant Bardakjian
McGill Senate discusses student discipline procedures; addresses plans for research funding
The Nov. 14 McGill Senate meeting discussed the annual report of the Committee on Student Discipline (CSD). Senators also heard a presentation by Vice-Principal Research and International Relations Rose Goldstein on McGill’s research funding performance, which outlined how McGill can expand its funding for research. Interim Dean of Students Linda[Read More…]
N’oublions jamais
Photos by Luke Orlando and Simon Poitrimolt
McGill professors discuss implications of U.S. elections
In the Nov. 6 American presidential election, Democrat incumbent Barack Obama secured a narrow win over Republican nominee and former Massachusetts Governor Mitt Romney. Although Obama gained a 332-206 lead in electoral college votes, his share of the popular vote—just over 50 per cent—was notably lower than the 52.7 per[Read More…]
What happened last week in Canada?
Gerald Tremblay resigns as Montreal mayor Montreal Mayor Gerald Tremblay resigned on Nov. 5, following allegations of corruption made at the Charbonneau Commission. Tremblay stepped down, despite repeatedly denying the allegations made against him. Quebec Premier Pauline Marois pressured Tremblay to resign as a result of accusations that the former[Read More…]
First Year Councils
Freshman Events and Representative Committee (FEARC) The Freshman Events and Representative Committee (FEARC) aims to promote the welfare and interests of first-year students in the faculties of arts and arts and sciences. According to FEARC Co-President Marta Canneri, FEARC also provides “activities and services to enhance the educational, cultural, environmental, and[Read More…]
Bond is back: the man behind the code name
Skyfall, the 23rd entry into the 50-year-old Bond film franchise, brings the spy hero back to life. It features both a restored Bond (Daniel Craig), back for more action after being declared dead, and offers a revival of the classic 007 formula. If 2006’s Casino Royale was the origin of[Read More…]
Pitfalls of generosity; or why best friends have their own credit cards
Front of house are still serving up interval drinks and the audience are taking their seats as, mere metres in front of me, an Athenian noblewoman—whose tribal dress from the previous act has transformed itself into a Dobby-the-house-elf-esque toga—buries her sobbing form into the depths of the imposing construction that[Read More…]
FEATURE: The forgotten story of the Milton-Parc Community
For many McGill students, a walk through the Milton-Parc area is part of the daily commute to class, so ingrained in their routine that they no longer notice its grey-stone facades, charming staircases, and painted wooden details. What most students don’t know is that this beloved neighbourhood and architectural heritage[Read More…]
M-SERT, CKUT fee increases pass in SSMU Fall referendum
Last Sunday, Elections SSMU released the results of the 2012 Fall Referendum period for the Students’ Society of McGill University (SSMU). Students voted in favour of fee increases for both CKUT Radio and the McGill Student Emergency Response Team (M-SERT). CKUT With 57.3 per cent of students voting in favour[Read More…]