Author: Ilia Blinderman

Roman Holiday

Despite a longstanding love of film, I’ve never been drawn to Woody Allen’s neurotic charm. My review of To Rome With Love, therefore, should have been nothing more than another addition to the burgeoning disappointment of the majority of film critics. In fact, I was so taken aback by its[Read More…]

Last Gang Records

Purity Ring: Shrines

The debut album from Montreal duo Purity Ring defies definability. Airy, synth-pop, electro: each label is only a piece of the puzzle. The picture only becomes clear once one listens to their tracks. “Obedear” is a subdued single full of the swirling, jangling pop  that Purity Ring is known for.[Read More…]

Mother Mother: The Sticks

Ever since the release of their debut album Touch Up in 2007, BC’s indie rock darlings Mother Mother have been know for their catchy rhythms and haunting harmonies. Three albums and a whirlwind global tour later, they have returned with The Sticks. The Sticks aims for a cohesive theme, a[Read More…]

All the curiosity that’s fit to deliver

The McGill Tribune has covered McGill and Montreal since 1981, initially as the official newspaper of the Student Society of McGill University (SSMU). Since its independence from SSMU in 2010, the Tribune has been operated autonomously by the Tribune Publication Society (TPS). All McGill students are automatically members of the[Read More…]

A choice with no good options

The voting options in Quebec’s election yesterday were akin to the choice between being punched in the gut and being punched in the face; both are extremely painful or something to be avoided at all costs. Unfortunately, the responsibility of an active citizen, especially in an election this important, forced[Read More…]

Welcome to McGill

I have been at McGill and in Montreal for exactly three years now, give or take a few American Thanksgivings. When my parents left after driving me up to Montreal, being in a new place really hit home. What was I doing in Canada, alone? For the first few weeks[Read More…]

Ikea for Dummies

What does every student moving into their first apartment need, aside from a fire evacuation plan? A trip to Ikea, of course. My parents bought all of their furniture in the eighties and have unfortunately been able to make it last well into the new millennium. So, no Ikea for[Read More…]

Students’ issues missing from campaign rhetoric

On Tuesday, Quebeckers went to the polls in a historic election that seemed poised to change the future direction of the province. The election call came in August, amid the continually escalating student movement against tuition hikes that began early in January. One might have expected that the student issues[Read More…]

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