Author: Lauren Wray

Brandon Vickerd - Chopper. (K. Jennifer Bedford / Courtesy of Art Mûr)

The introspective and the aesthetic

The temptation to force similarities is there, but the styles and aesthetics seem decidedly different. Upstairs, blurred dreamlike photographs of the Danish landscape are in a room adjacent to motorcycle-inspired sculptures. A floor below, photographs with sharp geometric angles hang across from colour-coded diagrams with a sociopolitical focus. Similarities between[Read More…]

The Coup: Sorry to Bother You

The outspoken, openly communist The Coup did not produce their sixth album, Sorry to Bother You, with easy-listening in mind. Rather than concerning themselves with typical hip-hop mainstays like money and women, The Coup use music to disseminate ideology The album keeps its distance  from the over-produced hits often popular[Read More…]

Donald Fagen: Sunken Condos

If one had to sum up Donald Fagen’s latest offering, Sunken Condos, in a single word, it would unquestionably be ‘smooth.’ From the funky five-minute opener “Slinky Thing,” the album establishes a mood of sultry reverie that holds (although admittedly not always so effectively). Nevertheless, the nine tracks constitute an[Read More…]

This Week in Research

HIV Vaccine Researchers at the University of Western Ontario and Sumagen Canada are one step closer to creating a marketable HIV vaccine. Last week, Dr. Chil-Yong Kang successfully completed the first phase of human clinical trials. The vaccine SAV001-H, is a genetically modified, killed whole-virus vaccine. First, the virus is[Read More…]

Sports Briefs

Swimming — RSEQ CUP 3: Bielby, Renaud, Benoit, De Broux win: four medals each Steven Bielby and Valerie De Broux swam past the competition on Saturday afternoon, as the Redmen and Martlets competed in the third RSEQ Cup at the Université de Montreal’s CEPSUM pool. The Redmen placed third out of six teams,[Read More…]

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