Film and TV

The surrealism of ‘Problemista’ elevates its poignancy

Scored with futuristically unsettling synth melodies and interjecting choral staccatos, narrator and famed arthouse actress Isabella Rosellini relays the complicated and costly process of acquiring a sponsored visa in the United States in Problemista. What begins visually as a cramped, two-room equation expands into a maze-like structure of trapdoors, fluorescent[Read More…]

Experiencing your relationship through the roles of Cate Blanchett

Spoiler warning for those who, unlike me, aren’t deeply entrenched in Cate Blanchett’s filmography. Valentine’s Day is right around the corner. For some, it’s a commercially well-defined opportunity to express their feelings to their loved ones; for others, it’s a bleak reminder of what could have been. Regardless of where[Read More…]

The Oscars 2.0

The Oscars Remixed Since the Oscar nominations were announced last Tuesday, an enormous amount of articles have been written about the snubs, surprises, and everything in between. And while it may be interesting and worthwhile to debate the artistic merits of films such as Past Lives or The Zone of[Read More…]

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