Many of the films that will be contending in this year’s Academy Awards were released during the holiday season. For this reason, we bring you a rundown of the best movies from December 2010 that you should be sure to catch in theatres before school starts taking over.
Film and TV
The King’s Speech
Many of the films that will be contending in this year’s Academy Awards were released during the holiday season. For this reason, we bring you a rundown of the best movies from December 2010 that you should be sure to catch in theatres before school starts taking over.
Black Swan
Many of the films that will be contending in this year’s Academy Awards were released during the holiday season. For this reason, we bring you a rundown of the best movies from December 2010 that you should be sure to catch in theatres before school starts taking over.
The Fake Shore
It would be easy to list the reasons why the Toronto knockoff of Jersey Shore—with the face palm worthy title Lake Shore—is an awful idea. So here goes. First, I think we can all agree that we’re sick of Jersey Shore. The flare-up cultural phenomenon’s success is based on its[Read More…]
Between a rock and a hard place Two years after the release of director Danny Boyle’s Slumdog Millionaire comes 127 Hours, a film based on the terrifying true story of adventure seeker Aron Ralston (James Franco). Ralston inadvertently has his right arm pinned between a boulder and a cavern wall during an afternoon hike in the[Read More…]
Guns and sorrow
The Hollywood summer marketing machine has shifted its focus from the teenage audience back to an audience that wants quality movies. What a relief; Enter The American. The premise is simple: Jack (George Clooney), a shady veteran spy with a knack for assembling weapons, is asked to build a rifle[Read More…]
Blue deja vu
Business students, put away your books; James Cameron and Fox Studios are about to give you a marketing lesson to remember. Some of you might have had a feeling of déjà vu if you bumped into an Avatar: Soon in Theatres poster. I thought I was suffering from a space-time[Read More…]
Commericals that will make you think
Last Wednesday, Cinema du Parc showed a screening of Cannes Lions, a part of the prestigious annual film festival in Cannes, which honours the world’s most creative and effective ads. The competition’s 57th anniversary presented eight awards to Canadian agencies, two of them from Quebec. This two-hour experience—screening a little[Read More…]
The Unexpected Appeal of Teen Mom
I’ll admit it: I love MTV’s Teen Mom. I’ve been addicted since season one of 16 and Pregnant, thinking that the show would be exactly the mind-numbing hour of reality television I would need to carry on with my life. But three seasons later, I’ve come to appreciate the show[Read More…]
Re-opening the files of A Film Unfinished
If A Film Unfinished were nothing but 60 minutes of raw Nazi propaganda footage filmed in the Warsaw Ghetto, it would still be the most affecting film viewers have seen in a very long time. If the five silent reels found in an East German bunker nine years after the[Read More…]