Arts & Entertainment

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McGill Classics Department wields love to explore Medea’s story in ‘The Argonautica’

The ancient Greek figure of Medea likely makes your skin crawl with discomfort—or maybe causes you to shiver with morbid curiosity. For how could a woman, scorned nevertheless, be pushed to the extreme of killing her own children?  Euripides’ play, Medea, features such a story, where the titular character’s heartbreak[Read More…]

AUTS’ ‘Company’—is marriage “till death do us part” or “death please do us part?” 

Ah, romance of the 21st century: Dates have been replaced by “chill sessions,” careful affections have been eclipsed by convenient and meaningless interactions, and the world spins backwards on its axis. But is it really that simple? Has a general pandemic of apathy infected us, or is there something deeper[Read More…]

FKA Twigs liberates the body to free the soul

Pounding electric bass. Neon lights strobing across the curvatures of moving muscle, flexing and softening in rhythmic tandem. Delicate and flowering falsetto melodies. Strangers coalescing in states of hedonistic dynamism. Violent snaps of the drum, spurting its vibrational heartbeats across the dancefloor. Choral pleas for unfamiliarity and euphoric authenticity pounding[Read More…]

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