Waiting for August, directed by Teodora Ana Mihai, tells the story of 15-year-old Georgiana and her six siblings, who live together in a Romanian housing project. The pack of children must adjust to life when their mother goes to Italy to find work and Georgiana takes on the role of[Read More…]
Arts & Entertainment
Keep up to date on local art, new albums, and everything entertainment-related.
Peer Review: Players’ Theatre Round Dance
When watching student productions, it’s easy to ignore the behind-the-scenes work that goes into creating a single show. From lighting and set design to casting and directing, every element of these productions is under the control of individual students. Off stage, many of these same players simultaneously spend their[Read More…]
Pop Rhetoric: What’s in a name?
Viet Cong’s new self-titled album manages to make me feel excited about guitar-heavy jams despite living in an age where there is a glut of such music. This Calgary four-piece is on the cusp of the almost unobtainable—a career in indie rock. However, what’s up with that name? Is it[Read More…]
Album Review: Jessica Pratt – On your own love again
Los Angeles-based singer-songwriter Jessica Pratt is only 27 years old but returns on her second studio album, On Your Own Love Again , with an incredibly mature sound, reminiscent of an era long gone. Pratt’s music has a strong ’60s folk sound and with picked acoustic guitar and raw,[Read More…]
MMFA examines French Orientalism narrative of 1800s
In the midst of the frozen pipes, depressing darkness, and the icy sidewalks that accompany a typical Montreal winter, the Montreal Museum of Fine Arts (MMFA) is almost taunting the city to attend its sun-filled Marvels and Mirages of Orientalism exhibit currently on display. Focusing on the juxtaposition between[Read More…]
Windy City for the win in AUTS’ Chicago
Part of the thrill that comes from live musical theatre is knowing that something could go wrong at any moment, but rarely does. The best theatre uses this to its advantage, radiating a sense of jubilant spontaneity that wriggles its way into the audience’s hearts and leaves them humming the[Read More…]
Deep Cuts: Time Warp
My Same Artist: Adele Album: 19 Released: January 28, 2008 Adele has made a name for herself with her soulful and powerful voice, bringing new beauty to pop ballads. In “My Same” Adele’s vocal muscles were not flexed as far as on other tracks, but the cool vintage piece highlights[Read More…]
Album Review: Bjork – Vulnicura
Björk’s Vulnicura manages to pull off an admirable feat by balancing intricate production with emotive rawness. The album offers a brutally comprehensive forensic analysis of Björk’s failed relationship with famed visual artist Matthew Barney. The tracks thematically capture the slow death of a long-term relationship and gradual acceptance[Read More…]
Still Alice avoids tropes, commits to stark realism
At its most basic level, Still Alice is a film about a woman with a disease. Look deeper and you’ll find a story about a woman not only fighting against a disease, but fighting to find who she really is. Deeper still, and it’s a story about love reframing itself[Read More…]
Stemple Pass: A discomforting, compelling exposition
The VOX gallery, also known as “Centre de L’image Contemporaine,” is known for its self-reflexive art, experimenting with colour, shape, form, and technology to facilitate public discourse on the nature of image in today’s society. As a nonprofit organization, entrance to the gallery leaves your pockets untouched, making the[Read More…]