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Jesus (Dane Stewart) and John the Baptist (Elizabeth Conway). (Tristan Brand / Courtesy of Beautiful City Theatre)

Jesus Christ, superstars

Beautiful City Theatre’s production of Godspell, the hit broadway musical, promises to be a unique experience. It presents the life of Jesus through a series of parables from the Gospel of Matthew. However, this shouldn’t discourage the non-believers—the company holds humanistic values and asserts that many different themes can be[Read More…]

The Glass Menagerie: Great Depression, great escapism

The extent to which Tennessee Williams’ The Glass Menagerie is autobiographical will always remain ambiguous. The play, however, looks undeniably inward, casting its spotlight on tensions that emerge within the four walls of a house. This memory play, told from the perspective of Tom Wingfield (nicknamed “Shakespeare”), who reminisces over[Read More…]

The Joy Formidable: Wolf’s Law

The century-old Wolf’s Law says that our bones can adapt themselves to carry increasingly heavier loads over time; the more stress we place on our bones, the more resistant they become to these external pressures. There seems to be no better testament to this theory than Welsh band The Joy[Read More…]

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