Arts & Entertainment

Keep up to date on local art, new albums, and everything entertainment-related.

‘Bee and Puppycat: Lazy in Space’ is a heart-warming, intergalactic delight

Think of the adorable character design of Kiki’s Delivery Service, the magical hero transformations of Sailor Moon, off-beat comedic dialogue, and intergalactic space fighting. At first glance, these features may appear to be an unlikely combination. Unifying these features into one season of television might seem ill-advised, if not impossible.[Read More…]

What we liked this summer

While the start of the fall semester typically means replacing movie nights with late-night study sessions at Redpath, the Arts & Entertainment team isn’t ready to forget their summer favourites just yet. Here are the best tunes and flicks to check out from the all-too-short summer break. Marcel the Shell[Read More…]

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