In the age of daytime cable television, reality shows permeated every network: Food Network had MasterChef, MTV had Jersey Shore, TLC had Dance Moms, and the list went on with every change of the channel. While the genre has dominated television since the turn of the millenium, it is quickly[Read More…]
Arts & Entertainment
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New McCord exhibit depicts Griffintown as a fractured landscape
Urban redevelopment looms over Montreal with a constancy that borders on parody. Whether these changes impact a single street or an entire neighbourhood: The threat of an orange cone is ever-present. Since 2013, Griffintown—downtown’s southwestern neighbourhood, historically home to Irish industrial workers—has been Montreal’s most recent target for urban renewal.[Read More…]
Where do I begin? The Sandman Cometh
In the middle of the 2006 film Click, audiences realized just how fascinated Adam Sandler is with the comedy of bodily functions: From farting to vomiting, he’s joked about it all. But in Click, he reassures his parents his ‘schmekel’—in a nod to Sandler’s Jewish heritage, he uses Yiddish slang[Read More…]
Tuesday Night Café Theatre hosts 24-Hour Playwriting Competition
The competition’s rules are straightforward: Twenty-four hours to write a play, 24 more to rehearse, followed by their performance. On Jan. 25, an eager audience filled up the Tuesday Night Café theatre, witnessing four concise and fully-realized plays. Each performance ran about 20 minutes. Sam Katz, U0 Arts, directed the[Read More…]
Thursdays (a) Live makes its debut of the decade
On a chilly Thursday night, a small crowd of student musicians and their supportive fans filed into the basement of The Yellow Door. With enough Tim Hortons’ hot chocolate to fuel a small army and a “shoes off at the front door” policy, Jam for Justice and McGill radio station[Read More…]
Docuseries ‘Chile in Revolt’ presents the human narratives of civil resistance
The banging of pots, pans, and wooden kitchen spoons together might not seem like a particularly defiant or political image. Yet for Chileans, this action—known as cacerolazo—has been emblematic of decades of struggle and civil resistance against oppressive regimes in the country. It is also the thread that brings together[Read More…]
McSWAY presents their first poetry slam ‘Say It Because You Mean It’
Hidden away behind a yellow door, deep in a basement of brick and mortar, McGill held its first poetry slam of the semester. Hosted at The Yellow Door, McSway Poetry Collective, is a student-run group that regularly organizes open mics and writers’ workshops as a means to encourage artistic expression at[Read More…]
“The Complete Works of Shakespeare (Abridged)” triumphs
Shakespeare has long been the butt of jokes and the subject of moans in classrooms. Though considered foundational to many curricula, his 500-year-old prose can be impenetrable. To resolve that issue and address many of the Bard’s prepubescent critics’, Tuesday Night Café Theatre (TNC) presented The Complete Works of Shakespeare[Read More…]
Pop Dialectic: Is Tanner Zipchen a Canadian movie legend or failure?
Last week, long-time Cineplex pre-show host Tanner Zipchen announced on his personal Twitter account that he had been let go from his position. UK-based media conglomerate Cineworld had just acquired Cineplex, and a change in the Canadian market had been expected. Yet, Zipchen’s legacy remains divisive. The McGill Tribune debates whether[Read More…]
‘1917’ excels in its experimental approach to cinematography
Grim, realistic, elaborate, astounding, and thrilling. These five adjectives are what makes Sam Mendes’ 1917 a truly great film. Exploring the harms and horrors of war, 1917 redefines the military genre not as a measly backdrop for an entertaining action movie, but as a recognition of the ultimate sacrifice paid by soldiers.[Read More…]