Thursday, April 25, 2013; the moment remains clear in my mind. The Los Angeles Clippers, led by my hero, Chris Paul, squared off against the Memphis Grizzlies in Game 3 of the first round of the NBA playoffs.
Quartier de l’Innovation projects aim to engage students
Plans for the Quartier de l’Innovation (QI) continue to progress since its official launch last May. A collaborative initiative of the Griffintown neighborhood, the project is designed to involve McGill and École de technologie supérieure (ETS), NGOs, and corporations, in a centre that drives research and innovation.
6Party documentary examines the morning after
Shutting down university parties is something that police officers are well accustomed to, but the 6Party occupation brought them face-to-face with an unorthodox gathering that only some could describe as festive. In 6Party and The After Party, an hour-long radio documentary written, produced, and co-narrated by fourth-year arts student Davide Mastracci, that exact group takes the spotlight in this revisiting of the event.
McGill rules in student’s favour in harassment case
McGill University’s Committee on Student Grievances (CSG) recently ruled in favour of former McGill graduate student Amr El-Orabi, who returned to his native Egypt last November after alleged harassment from his supervising professor, Gary Dunphy. According to El-Orabi, the harassment included a death threat and comments on his religion, some[Read More…]
An eclectic phaeleh
Under the stage name Phaeleh, Bristol-native Matt Preston creates and performs electronic music of an indeterminate genre. Also indeterminate, for some, is the pronunciation of his stage name. Matt corrected my initial pronunciation of Phaeleh to “fella,” although he added, “I did not have a certain pronunciation in mind when[Read More…]
Hearings continue on McGill’s ability to deny ATI requests
Last Thursday, the first hearings took place regarding a motion in which McGill requests the ability to deny past and future Access to Information (ATI) requests. Filed last December, the motion seeks to deny ATI requests submitted by a total of 14 present and former McGill students, as well as the power to deny all future ATI requests that are similar in nature to those of the respondents.
Ask Scitech: You snooze you lose; why you should avoid the snooze button
You spend one third of your life sleeping, according to a recent study conducted by Statistics Canada. Based on an average life span of approximately 90 years, 30 of those are commited to sleep.
Redmen prevail over Concordia for first time in 11 years
Senior quarterback Jonathan Collin knelt down in front of 2,845 rambunctious fans to seal McGill’s first victory over Concordia in 11 years.
Interview with Alex Gershanov
Often, research requires a lot of precision and patience, which is exactly what Alex Gershanov, a U2 chemical engineering student, discovered this summer while working at Associate Professor and Chemical Research Chair Nathalie Tufenkji’s lab, the Biocolliods and Surfaces Laboratory, in ground water remediation. “My research surrounds zero valent iron nanoparticles,[Read More…]
Word on the street
When asking someone to put together a list of top destinations here in Montreal, it should come as no surprise that restaurants and other foodie favourites will take up a massive chunk of that list. Whether you find yourself partial to the world-famous smoked meat from Schwartz’s Deli, or to a T-Rex poutine from La Banquise, Montreal offers an eclectic and unique dining experience, be it in the heart of downtown, or way out past the Plateau. Students and residents alike will travel far and wide and even brave the biting cold weather just to grab a dish from their favorite joints. Luckily for them, this year, they might not have to go further than campus.