For Juicy J, being ‘trippy’ is both a state of mind and a lifestyle, and in Stay Trippy, he raps about living it for 20 years. Throughout, the former Three 6 Mafia member condones codeine, crime, and cannabis, detailing his experiences with each. Dipping between tempos, he will rap pointedly over a beat and then continue in double-time. In his intro, ‘Stop It,’ he speaks of “getting high like I’m eighteen but I been rich since the late eighties,” and continues to reference themes of intoxication and career longevity throughout the album.
International students face visa delays
As thousands of international students begin their Fall semester at McGill this week, visa delays caused by a strike at Canada’s foreign embassies may prevent some students from starting classes on time.
Around the water cooler
In case you were too busy watching over annoying little kids at camp and all you could think about was whether there was a new water cooler picture, here’s what you missed… NCAA Football – Reigning Heisman Trophy winner Johnny Manziel became Johnny Hancock after a series of offseason escapades.[Read More…]
Chihuly exhibit continues to dazzle Montrealers
If you have walked by Sherbrooke and Crescent recently, you have likely already noticed one of the staples of American-born sculptor Dale Chihuly’s repertoire. The sculpture, entitled The Sun, emerges from a mass of glass tubes that snake around each other in a brilliant, chaotic tangle of yellow and red.
McGill rents Varcity515 floors to house first years
This year, 85 students and two floor fellows will call a building named Varcity515 home following McGill’s decision to rent two floors of this furnished student-housing complex to accommodate an excess number of students requiring places in residence.
Our Nixon can’t deliver the reel goods
It turns out that if Richard Nixon’s key aides were a few decades younger, they probably would have been really into Instagram. Penny Lane’s new documentary Our Nixon, released Aug. 30, uses mostly amateur Super-8 camera footage, shot by the former U.S. president’s White House chief of staff, H.R. Haldeman; John Ehrlichman, his domestic affairs assistant; and Dwight Chapin, his deputy assistant, who all ultimately ended up serving jail time for their involvement in the 1970s Watergate scandal. Henry Kissinger appears in the film fairly often too, though he was apparently too busy addressing international relations and his relationships with women to fool around with a camera.
The fine art of getting inked
With the increasing popularity of tattoos, they have gained recognition as one of today’s more overt expressions of personality. Tattoos are no longer largely perceived as symbols of dissent and delinquency; a contemporary view of them now leans closer towards a holistic understanding of these designs as visual art. Breaking away from stereotypes of skulls and barbed wire, more varied tattoos[Read More…]
Physics paradox proposes universal Inception
What are the chances that our existence—or lack thereof—could be a mere projection from someone or something’s mind, just like the premise of The Matrix or Inception? Ludwig Boltzmann (1844-1906), the same German physicist who derived the blackbody radiation laws, proposed this reasoning during the 1800s and it is still discussed today as one of the most interesting and disturbing ideas of science.
Interview with Blair Jia
Getting published as an undergraduate student is a honourable achievement—one of which U3 quantitative biology student Blair Jia received this August. This summer Jia designed a fabrication protocol to improve the imaging chamber used in Convex LensInduced Confinement (CLIC) microscopy under the supervision of Assistant Professor Sabrina Leslie from the Department of Physics.
Earl Sweatshirt: Doris
The last time Earl Sweatshirt was in the spotlight—for his much-hyped mixtape Earl—he dropped everything and disappeared to Samoa. Soon, rumours, mainly fueled by colleague and collaborator Tyler the Creator’s more-than-half-serious “Free Earl” campaign, circulated that he was forced into a boarding school by his mother. Now he is again a product and a victim of hype; on his latest album, Doris, he airs his grievances and talent in equal measure.