
The Features section stands as a cornerstone of The Tribune, offering readers an in-depth exploration of a wide range of topics. Each week, we delve into stories that cut to the heart of McGill and the vast expanses of Canada, from uncovering injustices to exploring identity, with each Feature boasting its own bespoke design.

See the latest Features below. Contact: [email protected].

Textual schedule builder

Frankly, planning the perfect schedule is no joke. When I need to choose my classes for the school year (and I always know when this is; it’s in my calendar), I really, really need to weigh out my options. I log onto Visual Schedule Builder and I begin to optimize[Read More…]

Do it yourself, together

There’s no place like home, especially when you’re too young to go to any music venues. This is often the case with punk and its associated DIY scene, where many of their musicians and fans are teenagers and young adults. In places with bustling DIY scenes like Boston or Philadelphia,[Read More…]

Secret gardens

There are two seasons in Montreal: Winter and construction, or so goes the decades-old adage uttered by so many bitter locals. Save for its all-too-short summer, the city can often feel like a harsh and even inhospitable place to live. Given that its human residents often feel beaten down by[Read More…]

Toward healing, with help

I grew up as an athlete, playing competitive basketball and soccer on school and community teams. I never thought much about my body or what I ate until I tore my anterior cruciate ligament (ACL) in 2015 while playing basketball. During the rehabilitation process after my knee surgery, I committed[Read More…]

Putting pen to paper

The New York Times headline glared out on my screen. The words reflected a phenomenon all too common on many progressive, university communities across North America. “News or ‘Trauma Porn’?,” it began. “Student Journalists Face Blowback on Campus.”  The Nov. 14, 2019 article by Julie Bosman, Mitch Smith, and Kate Taylor[Read More…]

(Re)claiming our space

McGill is known for having a large community of international students and frequently cites this fact as a badge of diversity and inclusivity. However, for many, McGill can be an isolating environment. Students of colour, immigrants, and marginalized identities are still forced to bear the burden of building infrastructures of[Read More…]

Changing lanes

Over the summer of 2019, Transdev, a French company that operates public transportation projects in 18 countries around the world, ran two autonomous shuttles connecting Montreal’s Olympic Stadium and Maisonneuve Market.

Ask me anything

Over 10 years ago, a user stumbled into /r/McGill and wrote the first post. “Is this working yet?” they wrote on Feb. 6, 2010. “Most of us hang out in /r/Montreal,” /u/iorgfeflkd replied. Ten years later, more than 4,500 users have made over 26,000 posts about topics ranging from which[Read More…]

Excluded voices

It begins on the first day of the semester: The syllabus is monopolized by white men. When universities emphasize privileged voices, they dominate classroom conversations and textbooks, leaving little space for marginalized groups’ experiences. While academic institutions like McGill continue to enact policies against discrimination, these initiatives raise questions of[Read More…]

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