If there’s one word to describe our generation, it’s ‘connected.’ We’re connected to each other, to events, to pop culture—and it is all a mere touch-screen away. We have hundreds, sometimes thousands, of ‘friends’ and ‘followers’ who like our posts and pictures—but something is missing. Despite the web of relationships[Read More…]
The Features section stands as a cornerstone of The Tribune, offering readers an in-depth exploration of a wide range of topics. Each week, we delve into stories that cut to the heart of McGill and the vast expanses of Canada, from uncovering injustices to exploring identity, with each Feature boasting its own bespoke design.
See the latest Features below. Contact: [email protected].
Tank tops, hoodies, and bonus points
The two of us met the way many McGillians seem to: On a Saturday night in a poorly-lit bar, a pitcher of Sleeman between us. That evening, we had a conversation about our reservations concerning the various social events we had taken part in: Hype Week, Carnival, Science Games, and[Read More…]
Is McGill advising failing its students?
Café Mission Keurig: A day at a coffeehouse for Montreal’s homeless
It’s only 9 a.m. on Friday Sept. 8, and the Café Mission Keurig is already buzzing just one hour after opening for the day. The entrance swings open to let in the morning’s patrons and the crisp St-Laurent air. Every weekday from 8 a.m. to 4 p.m., the café, one[Read More…]
A Walk Through Redpath Museum
Serving a purpose: the value of service industry jobs
About Abortions: Why Canada still needs to talk about it
“Honestly when you called me I said, ‘Why, you know, why write about abortion, why write about it in Quebec?’” said France Desilets, director of Montreal’s Morgentaler Clinic. “We don’t want to focus on it, in the sense that access has been achieved in reproductive choices, but we still need[Read More…]
Beyond semantics: The colourful stories of Milton-Parc
“In recent years, […] there is now a relationship between McGill and the neighbourhood, because at first, McGill would say, ‘If it’s beyond our [gates], we don’t want to hear about it.’ But now, at Frosh, there is an introduction about our neighbourhood,” said Andrée Deveault, who has been a[Read More…]
Dead ends and dead links: Navigating the shortcomings of McGill websites
“I found the whole process to be inaccessible and daunting,” said Rachel Siu, U2 Marketing, reflecting on her frustration at using the McGill websites when applying to McGill. “It was really overwhelming. I remember putting off the application process numerous times because I couldn't figure out how to navigate the[Read More…]
What has McGill done for you?
At the outset, three or four years may seem like a long time. But by the end of a degree, students often feel anxious about what to do next. Unlike the shift from high school to university—which is, for many, a direct transition—the movement from an undergraduate degree into “whatever’s[Read More…]