
The Features section stands as a cornerstone of The Tribune, offering readers an in-depth exploration of a wide range of topics. Each week, we delve into stories that cut to the heart of McGill and the vast expanses of Canada, from uncovering injustices to exploring identity, with each Feature boasting its own bespoke design.

See the latest Features below. Contact: [email protected].

A walk through Auschwitz

I had gone out the night before, enjoying Krakow’s nightlife and the cheap vodka that came with it. With about three hours of sleep, I awoke to get on a bus for Auschwitz-Birkenau, the head extermination concentration camp from the Second World War. Falling into a deep sleep on my[Read More…]

Swiped Connections

When I created my Tinder account, I never expected that I would end up finding a long-term relationship through it. I still remember the shocked look on my friends’ faces when I told them about how my relationship began. They congratulated me in confusion; most of them use the app[Read More…]

Under your skin

A registered organ donor can save up to eight lives and drastically improve the lives of over 75 people. This statistic—while impressive—does not tell the entire story. It does not reveal the number of hours that a kidney recipient would be able to spend at home with their family instead[Read More…]

In the beginning, God created the scientist

The Christian Old Testament tells beautiful stories. It is poetic, rich in morals, and well-written. The beginning of the world, as described by Genesis 1, creates a haze whereby from nothing, God creates something. “In the beginning, God created the heavens and the earth,” the Bible reads. “On the first day,[Read More…]

Realizing the full potential of a generation

During the recent United Nations (UN) conference on climate change (COP21) last December, youth activists successfully negotiated with member states to acknowledge the importance of intergenerational equity when taking action to address climate change in the Paris Agreement. “This is a testament to an entirely youth-driven, multi-year lobbying effort to situate[Read More…]

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