In the Feature of the week: We’re queer, but are you here? In his search for a community of queer men, Copy Editor Matt Adelberg delves into queer life on campus—its promises, failures, and futures.
The Features section stands as a cornerstone of The Tribune, offering readers an in-depth exploration of a wide range of topics. Each week, we delve into stories that cut to the heart of McGill and the vast expanses of Canada, from uncovering injustices to exploring identity, with each Feature boasting its own bespoke design.
See the latest Features below. Contact: [email protected].
Bad guys with good vibes: Why I will always love the villain
In the Feature of the week: Arts & Entertainment editor Suzanna Graham explores the relationship between animated villainy and queer culture.
The Dread of McGill’s Deferred Maintenance
Climate change and degrading infrastructure are forcing McGill University into a game of catch-up—will they ever win?
Beneath the surface: Food, body image, and disordered eating at McGill
Between diet culture and academic competitiveness, data collected by The Tribune reveals the widespread struggle of McGill students with food and body.
From Alpha to Zeta: Investigating the dark side of Greek life
In the Feature of the week: The good, the bad, and the ugly of Greek life at McGill.
Shifting perspective and starting again
In the Feature of the week, design editor Drea Garcia Avila takes the reader on a visual journey: Bridging her uncertainty through the arts of science.
Support Our Scientists: SOS’ fight for the future of Canadian science
Graduate students and postdoc researchers’ pay has remained stagnant for decades. Now one group has taken the fight to Ottawa—and across the country.
Asbestos in Canada: A forgotten killer remains at large
Once touted as Canada’s ‘white gold’. Now it’s banned—but its legacy lingers. Experts believe asbestos exposures still kill thousands each year
At the precipice of discovery
Abstract Scientific publishing has become a ruthless game. The infamous aphorism of “publish or perish” describes the pressure academics feel to publish their research extensively and stay relevant within their field. This problem manifests and is tied to a host of other disparities of accessibility within the science research field.[Read More…]
Constellations of responsibility
Among lush Amazonian flora in Oriente, the eastern region of Ecuador, pits of viscous, black oil dot the landscape. Iridescent streams infiltrate the rainforest. Aerial shots of unobstructed canopy cover are starkly contrasted with footage of large oil rigs set up in the forest. A few frames follow before the[Read More…]