I remember loving tap dance even before I knew what it really was. Even when I had only heard my mother’s animated description of how tap shoes had metal plates on their soles that I could make new sounds with, it was more than enough to draw me into an[Read More…]
The Features section stands as a cornerstone of The Tribune, offering readers an in-depth exploration of a wide range of topics. Each week, we delve into stories that cut to the heart of McGill and the vast expanses of Canada, from uncovering injustices to exploring identity, with each Feature boasting its own bespoke design.
See the latest Features below. Contact: [email protected].
Finding the Old Home
I was nine years old when I first decided to go to synagogue with my grandfather. Every Saturday, I would sit on my couch, looking out the window onto the driveway, waiting for Zaidy Ell to pick me up in his grey minivan at 9:30 a.m. I began this weekly[Read More…]
To Montreal, my second love
The Dollarama near my house gets a visit from me every week. Sometimes it’s out of necessity, but mostly it’s because I’m bored and it’s the only place where I can afford to impulsively shop. When I walked in one day this fall, the entire store was covered in shades[Read More…]
Make your student union work for you
The first time I learned about the Students’ Society of McGill University (SSMU) was during a Zoom meeting for The McGill Tribune’s news section in January 2021, nearly five months into my first year. As an intimidated newcomer, I joined the meeting thinking I would just test out the vibe[Read More…]
The virtual realm can’t save us
Where do you go when you need help? When there are those moments in the semester too overwhelming to handle, to process, to sit still? When assignments pile up and you’re wading through homesickness, isolation, or low self-esteem? What if you’ve been struggling with your mental health? I don’t ask[Read More…]
Paint me a pixel
Imagine intelligence is artificial It begins as an idea. A flicker of colour, of motion, a feeling that you want to convey. There are so many mediums to choose from—charcoal, clay, oil, acrylic? Pencil, paintbrush, camera, hands? In a frenzy, you make the decision and set to work. It’s torturous,[Read More…]
Nixon, Mon Amour
That’s it, I have had enough. I can no longer stand by and watch as students continue to criticize and bully François Legault. The truth has been staring us in the face this whole time, but we’ve been too distracted by violent video games and metal music to care. The[Read More…]
Rolling the dice on academic freedom
McGill University bears the name of its founder James McGill, but this honorific was a condition tied to James’s large donations that were used to establish the institution. His gift, however, cannot be isolated from the colonial violence which produced it. He was only able to formalize the higher education[Read More…]
The resistance politics of art, through an honest lens
In my first year at McGill, I took ENGL 279, an intro to Film History course. We started with what is widely recognized as the first film in history, Man Riding Jumping Horse, explored slapstick comedies by Buster Keaton, and traversed the advent of sound in motion pictures until arriving[Read More…]
The quiet life of a minor language
There was a time in my early childhood when I could easily have been described as bilingual. My parents briefly committed to the one-parent-one-language system—my mother spoke only Japanese with me, and my father only English. As a child in Toronto, Japanese never took prominence in my everyday speech, but[Read More…]