McGill University’s Faculty of Dentistry is currently reviewing how to better inform incoming and future students of a $2,500 fee, which will go towards paying off the $18.3 million loan for the new facilities. $7 million has been raised towards this deficit so far. This fee was voted upon by[Read More…]
University Health and Security Committee to review smoking policy
McGill University’s smoking policy will be up for review by the University Health and Security Committee (UHSC), which may include discussion of a smoke-free campus. The current policy specifies that all smoking must be at least nine metres from any building entrance in order to comply with Bill 112, which[Read More…]
Culture Shock workshop addresses problems faced by Canada’s temporary foreign workers
Last Thursday, the Quebec Public Interest Research Group (QPIRG) McGill hosted a workshop on migrant workers in Canada as a part of Culture Shock, an annual event series put on by QPIRG that explores issues affecting immigrants, indigenous people, refugees, and people of colour. The panel of speakers included Viviana[Read More…]
Proposed Arts student fee would fund Arts Internship Office following provincial cuts
Dean of Arts Christopher Manfredi presented a proposal for the creation of a new fee to the Arts Undergraduate Society (AUS) Council on Oct. 29. The proposed five-year fee for all Arts students would fund the Arts Internship Office (AIO), which administers the Arts Internship Program (AIP), as well as[Read More…]
McGill to implement hiring freeze for administrative staff in light of budget cuts
Last Monday, Provost Anthony Masi held an open forum where he discussed the effects of the Quebec government’s recently announced budget cuts for the university sector on McGill’s financial situation. McGill’s budget for the 2015 fiscal year (FY2015) was approved by the Board of Governors last April and accounted for[Read More…]
Media@McGill hosts Glenn Greenwald as Annual Beaverbrook lecturer
Glenn Greenwald, award-winning journalist and this year’s Beaverbrook lecturer, spoke to McGill students and members of the Montreal community this Thursday, commenting on the recent terrorist attacks in Ottawa and Quebec and his work with National Security Administration (NSA) whistleblower Edward Snowden. Greenwald began his lecture by addressing the attacks[Read More…]
Senate discusses safer campus, graduate student advising, and Senate composition
Principal Suzanne Fortier opened Wednesday’s Senate meeting with remarks on the Quebec government’s recent announcement of further budgetary cuts for the university sector. “With regard to McGill, we believe that it means a decrease of approximately 15 million [dollars] that we already know about,” Fortier said. “Earlier this month, [the[Read More…]
Completion of construction along McTavish to be delayed by a month
Construction along McTavish Street has been delayed by a month, and is now set to conclude by the end of November, according to a press release from the Students’ Society of McGill University (SSMU) Communications and IT Director Ryan Hughes. The release cites multiple technical and logistical reasons for the[Read More…]
Panel discusses building consent culture on campus
Students hosted a panel discussion on “Building a Culture of Consent on Campus” last Thursday as part of #ConsentMcGill, a week-long event organized and run by McGill students and administration. The panel responded to broad questions relating to the idea of a consent culture before opening up discussion with the[Read More…]
Workshop speaks to rise in youth unemployment
Last Friday, a discussion and workshop on combining global and local perspectives on youth unemployment was co-hosted by the Aga Khan Foundation of Canada (AKFC) and the Institute for the Study of International Development (ISID). The AKFC is a non-profit international development agency that works to improve health, education, rural[Read More…]