The Students’ Society of McGill University (SSMU) and the Commission des Affaires Francophones (CAF), released the Report on Francophone Academic Rights on March 26. The report, based on a survey conducted in April 2020, presented the impediments students face in submitting work in French and set forth recommendations to improve[Read More…]
McGill Policy Association workshop explores diversity of public policy
The McGill Policy Association (MPA) hosted a Zoom workshop on March 30, featuring discussions on topics related to policy such as the policy-making process, cybersecurity, and municipal government. The webinar was moderated by Teresa Lee, U3 Arts and Science, and included presentations from three master’s candidates from the Max Bell[Read More…]
McGill launches bicentennial celebrations with hour-long kick-off event
McGill kicked off its bicentennial (1821-2021) celebrations on March 31 by broadcasting its centrepiece event, “Celebrate 200: Launching Our 3rd Century,” live from the university’s bicentennial website. Laurent Duvernay-Tardif, MD ‘18, a frontline healthcare worker and professional football player, and Heleena De Oliveira, U3 Arts and president of the Black[Read More…]
TRaCE McGill hosts discussion on PhD studies at McGill
Track Report Connect Exchange (TRaCE) McGill, a graduate and postdoctoral studies alumni network, hosted an event on March 26 as part of McGill’s bicentennial celebrations. The event, presented by Helen Martin, a PhD candidate in the Department of Psychiatry, and Hannah Korell, a PhD candidate in the Department of English,[Read More…]
Students petition McGill Board of Governors to support Dollarama workers
The Students’ Society of McGill University (SSMU), the Association of McGill University Support Employees (AMUSE), and the McGill Corporate Accountability Project have created a petition calling on the McGill Board of Governors (BoG) to support Dollarama warehouse workers. Dollarama has been widely criticized for hiring their employees through temporary placement[Read More…]
East Asian Studies department hosts town hall on anti-Asian racism
The East Asian Studies department held a town hall session on March 23 to discuss the spike in anti-Asian racism in the United States and Canada. Over 50 participants, including faculty members and students, attended the town hall and engaged in discussions about their ongoing experiences. The department also released[Read More…]
McGill Senate presents annual report on sexual violence
The McGill Senate convened on March 24 to vote on several motions and present annual reports from various branches of university governance, including the Senate Nominating Committee and the Board of Governors (BoG). Governors approved PGSS Academic Affairs Officer Sophie Osiecki’s appointment to the Senate’s Committee on Student Grievances and[Read More…]
McGill partnership with University of the People establishes transfer program
On March 18, McGill announced that beginning in Fall 2021, it will partner with University of the People (UoPeople), an online, tuition-free university. The collaboration will allow academically outstanding students enrolled at UoPeople to transfer to McGill to complete their degrees. Founded in January 2009 by its current president Shai[Read More…]
Meals for Milton-Parc Week showcases local artists and organizations
From March 17-19, the McGill Arts and Science Undergraduate Society (ASUS) hosted Meals for Milton-Parc Week in collaboration with Meals for Milton-Parc, a community-based project that aims to support unhoused individuals in the Milton-Parc neighbourhood, and Jam for Justice, a McGill based non-profit student organization that facilitates social-development and well-being[Read More…]
HSA webinar explores historical interconnections of race, religion, and resistance
The McGill History Students’ Association (HSA) and the McGill Office of Religious and Spiritual Life (MORSL) hosted a panel on March 18 that explored the interconnections between faith, race, and recent racial justice movements. The webinar was moderated by HSA Vice-President (VP) Academic and U4 Arts student Ffion Hughes, and[Read More…]